Master the art of the sale. How to pitch, find prospects, and win over new customers
Ch. IV: Master the art of the sale. How to pitch, find prospects, and win over new customers
The only way to test whether your offer is a solution that people want is to tell them about it and ask for their money —sans flinching.
At that point, you’ll either have them hooked, or you’ll have lost them and might need to reconsider your offering.
Just remember you’re gonna need a BIG sample size to evaluate your offer and pricing with any accuracy. Don’t review after 10 calls, or 20, usually not even 30. Aim for something like 45 sales pitches, at least.
(Try not to focus on that end number quite yet. You’ll get there. We’re manifesting for you internally).
“The hardest (and most important) thing in the early phase of every startup is getting to product/market fit. Don't build and then sell. Do it in reverse. Once you have people that give you real money in order to get the chance to buy your product earlier (and for a discount), you know you're really onto something worth building.”
– Steli Efti, SaaS Sales for Startup Founders
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