Explore what drives you (not just money)
“There’s lots of bad reasons to start a company. But there’s only one good, legitimate reason, and I think you know what it is: it’s to change the world.”- Phil Libin, Evernote via Happy Startup School
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Psst: Capitalism is great and all, but money alone isn’t enough to get you out of bed everyday. If it is, there’s a cushy corporate job with your name on it and we promise we won’t think any less of you for taking it. No one becomes an entrepreneur just to make more money. If that’s your thinking, know that this ain’t it.
Successful entrepreneurs are visionaries first, because that’s how they keep going. Even when the process feels more frustrating than fulfilling, when the market isn’t there and it’s time to start fresh.
They’re inspired by a why and they’ll work to reach it. If you’re still struggling to find your own why, here are a few questions to put you on the right path. Keep it introspective as you go through these exercises for maximum effect.
To learn more, check out the frameworks we’ve modeled these questions off of: Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle and The Happy Startup School’s Happy Startup Canvas.
1: How do you want to see the world change for the better? What kind of positive impacts can you make to that end?
2A: Hold your goals in your mind. If everything went perfectly to plan, and you achieved them to the fullest, how would the world be different?
2B: Did you change things in the way that you wanted?
3A: What do you believe in to your core? ie, generosity, parity, freedom
3B: Which of these values feel more important to you than the others?
Note: A strongly held belief can be as specific and aspirational as “every small business owner should have access to financial training” or as broad and personal as “find the fun in every day.”
4A: Why do you make (or want to make) things?
4B: When you make those things, how do (or can) they impact others?
An example for you: You make a better toaster because you enjoy simple mechanical challenges or want to improve modern appliances. For others, it saves time, improves their morning, and just helps them make a better waffle.
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