What powers your work ethic?
If you woke up tomorrow with no responsibilities and all the time in the world, what would be the first long-term goal or bucket list item you set about doing?
Who and what most inspires you?
What topics or people always hold your attention? That you love learning about and talking about so much you could teach a class on it?
Are there any interests or passions you’ve lost touch with? Do you regret that or was there something unfulfilling/dissatisfying about pursuing them?
When was the last time you were totally in the zone and lost track of time? What were you doing? --> a. If you can’t remember, imagine 3 instances you might expect and see if you can make it happen. Did the results surprise you?
What do friends and colleagues say you’re good at? Has a stranger or acquaintance ever noticed you have a gift for something right away?
What quality do you love about yourself?
If you had to split your future into a choice of two opposing paths, what would each be? What might each future look like?
If you never had to make money again, how would you spend your time? What would your day-to-day life look like?
Last updated